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Smoked Pork Sausage – Mild, 16 oz

Smoked Pork Sausage – Hot, 16 oz

Smoked Beef Sausage – Mild, 16 oz

Smoked Beef Sausage – Hot, 16 oz

Smoked Mixed Sausage – Mild, 16 oz

Smoked Mixed Sausage – Hot, 16 oz

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Smoked Pork Sausage – Jalapeno, 16 oz

Smoked Pork Sausage – Mild, 24 oz

Smoked Pork Sausage – Hot, 24 oz

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Gulf of Mexico Stew

Immerse yourself in the flavors of the Gulf with our hearty Gulf of Mexico Stew! This seafood-infused delight brings together succulent shrimp, briny oysters, and tender crabs, complemented by a medley of savory ingredients.
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 45 minutes
Course Main Course
Servings 5


  • 1 lb ​​​​​shrimp
  • ½ lb oysters
  • 2 lbs crabs (cleaned and cracked in half)
  • ½ dozen boiled eggs (cut in half, yolk taken out)
  • 4-5 potatoes
  • Savoie's® smoked sausage
  • Savoie's® roux (large jar)
  • Savoie's® Old Fashioned seasoning
  • Garlic powder
  • ascent seasoning
  • cayenne pepper
  • 1 tsp salt
  • bay leaf
  • green onion, celery,bell peppers,white onion,parsley, garlic


  • Boil water in a nice size pot.
  • When water comes to a boil, add half of the potatoes and Cajun seasoning into the boiling water.
  • Add roux. (You might want to add as much roux as you can so it can have a real thick texture.)
  • Let cook for about 35-45 minutes. Add Savoie's® sausage and seasoning (salt, garlic powder, ascent, cayenne pepper, etc.) within that 45 minutes.
  • Taste it while adding the seasoning so you can get a good idea of the flavoring.
  • Add the crabs and rest of the potatoes once 35-45 minutes is over with the roux cooking.
  • minutes after adding the crabs, then add oysters and shrimp. It should take about 15 minutes to cook the shrimp and oysters together in the stew.
  • Last but not least, add eggs to the cooked stew.
  • It should be done once you notice the potatoes starting to get real tender. That's when it's time to put it over some rice!!!!

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